5 Random Things in August

Hello! Hello! 

I have been pretty busy as a bee for the past few weeks. Umar has turned 6 months! Which means he can finally start his solid food journey.: Not gonna lie, I have been very nervous for him since he has eczema. Solids and eczemas are scary. I'm so afraid of giving him food that will later on trigger his eczema flare ups, or worst, an allergic reaction.

So I've done a fair share of research here and there. Figuring out what food is okay and which ones will trigger or give any itchiness. I hated when he has the itch. Sad to see him being so uncomfortable in his own skin. 

Anyway, I'll make another post regarding his solid journey. Now let's dive into this new series I'm doing for this blog, which was inspired by lemonstripes.com, the 5 random things!

Currently Watching

Project Anchor SPM: I think this was based on a Thailand film I'd seen before. I can't recall the name but the storyline is the same. It's about school kids forming a group to cheat on a big exams, get caught, and failed. Honestly, I don't support this kind of film/tv series. I understand why it has to end that way but I kind of hate that the value they're inputting in this show. It's like you're saying cheating is wrong but it's okay because you're just human.

5 Random Things That I Love This Month

1. Silicone Plate Set: Obviously we need new silicone plate set, along with cute, matchy, little fork and spoon, and sippy cups for Umar to start his solid journey. I bought it from Shopee and it's in green color.

2. A Pair of Cute Slippers: I hardly ever bought anything for myself since becoming a mom. All the things that I bought are for my children. I think it's every mom's problem. But I just happened to passby Padini and saw this cute sandals that I had to buy. So I bought them and I feel happy about it.

3. Mixue Date with My Sister: Since having two kids, I rarely go out with my sister compared to when I only had one child. I miss having our sister bonding sesh. My sister came to my house out of the blue and took me for a quick drink at Mixue nearby. It was such a good time.

4. Umar Started Eating: Umar started eating this month and it was such a nerve-wracking experience that I never had with my first son. Since Umar has eczema, his diet is a little different from his brother so I had to study the food he can and can't eat. Mind you, it's a lot of homework.

5. Coffee Dates with Mom: Once a week, my mom would casually dropped by my house and kidnapped me to go on coffee dates. I had such great times with her, gossiping, and just hang out. I appreciate this kind of moment because my mom is obviously getting older and I want to cherish our time together even if it's just coffee dates.

There you have it folks.
My first 5 Random Things this month. I actually enjoy writing this. InsyaAllah, there will be another same series next month. 

Until next time, bye.

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